Monday, June 18, 2007

Timeline of June 17

3AM : Finish Demo Alpha for Monday
6AM: Sleep
Noon: Wake
8PM: leave to set up furniture in friends new shop
9PM: Drinking leads to slower work.
Midnight: Inflict wound on friend that bleeds profusely
1AM: Sit in hospital
3AM: Arrive home and fool myself into thinking I can sleep
4AM: Decide I am not that easy to fool and should use this time more effectively
7AM: To class! gogogo

Sunday, June 10, 2007

the sun :(

I must invent a way to push the sun back below the horizon. It is too damn bright...

Or I could invest in thicker blinds....

Or I could just sleep when the sun was down,, and it probably wouldn't bother me as much..

Such difficult.

Saturday, June 2, 2007


This month seems to be 3d month, where the D stands for I need a small break.

I realize that the only D in that sentence is at the end of 'need', and usual an acronym is meant for the first letter of one word, but shucks, I'll let Somone else sort it out.