Saturday, April 14, 2007

For the last time, not all mechs have lazers!

I suppose I should dust off the blog and use it for updates.. I get bored when I can't watch other peoples progress on their blogs, so i'll break the cycle and update mine! (thats a good bullshit reason, right? Updating is'nt procrastination at all; honest!)

Soooo my spaceship idea got shot down for being too primitave, which I agree, it was pretty simple... But it still would of looked great finished =x I'll probally do it as a side project when time premits. (buying spare time, paying with blood)

Moving along > Lets do a Mech-walker-miner-thingy. Thingy is a technical term by the way. It is used to define many articles, such as : Things, stuff, junk, whatever, and sometimes "Y".

Using my very minimal knowledge of illustrator, I've poorly outlined the walker. (Using a 4H pencil to draw is great until you have to scan it, and your scan looks like a white piece of paper)


Down to the pictures!

(As a side note, I have no bloody clue what the tubes are supposed to connect to on the real application of the engine,,, but i'll stick em somwhere natural lookin' on the mech... yup..)