Sunday, April 29, 2007

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Dear Adune,

Attached please find the arm revision. Upon comtemplating your statement, I found it very hard to argue with your undenyable logic. Thank you for helping me to improve the capabilitys of the miners who purchace the new model Vo3-Scorpion (tenitave name).

Also, please pick up milk on your way back from orgrimmar.

Kisses, Voltfext.

P.s : Tell Bigg to move Gruul to Thursdays.

P.s.s: Tell me if you find any cheap spellstrike.

P.s.s: Ignore the green color of the picture,, it wont be green for long.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007


You'd think by now I've ingested enough coke to meet the daily recommended dose of something... Cancer probably.

Will enough Coke melt your stomach?

Calorie intake: 1280

Carbohydrates: 344g

Almost close to being a significant source of saturates, trans, cholesterol, fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron.

From 2 to 7 am... Not bad I suppose...

No-Name Coke

Calories per can: 160
Carbohydrates: 43g
Not a significant source of saturates, trans, cholesterol, fibre, vitimin A, vitimin C, calcium or iron.


Calorie intake : 480
Carbohydrates: 129
Not a significant source of saturates, trans, cholesterol, fibre, vitimin A, vitimin C, calcium or iron.

Gooooo Zbrush!

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

For the horde! ....

Actully... I dont think this would fit in warcraft to be honest. And besides, if warcraft were to adopt mechs... what would the orc peons do? They get their job done while sleeping 90 precent of their life.. if a mech were to be placed on the team, and do 100x the work in one tenth the time... we'd either have more Shatrath refugees, or the peons might level and become warriors and such!

Anyways, pictures.




Monday, April 23, 2007

Drill heads PAU


Sunday, April 22, 2007

If you look at the time stamp, you'll find I dont sleep...

Sleep is a crutch, hurrrr..... *Breaks leg*

To do:

-Drill arm (drill bits!)
-Claw arm
-... rotational... ass piece.. yup.. that's a technical term..
-The bottom window for the cab... Yeah... How did I miss that? .. W/e w/e
-Tube from back tank to drill arm
-But wait there's more! Order now and get not one but two fully working interchangeable tri-functioning backwards compatible hyper speed turbo efficient set it and forget it grease cutting pound losing ,punctuation ignoring, never dull patented Noriega technology recently developed by scientists in a lab testing lipstick on different types of frogs to try to figure out what brand the male frogs are more susceptible to in the hopes that we can someday repopulate the small zen gardens in the back of Japanese wanna-be's and gay middle aged men's yards with a rare type of frog found only in small children's sand buckets on the beach.....

I think its time for bed.

Saturday, April 21, 2007


Well... 9ish hours a day, and I get very little accomplished (imo) ... Need ways to speed up my modeling...

Anyways, pictures.

Need to add crease to top of air bottle.. mental note.. check.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

In no particular order, and with very little Witty commentary, I give to you progress.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

For the last time, not all mechs have lazers!

I suppose I should dust off the blog and use it for updates.. I get bored when I can't watch other peoples progress on their blogs, so i'll break the cycle and update mine! (thats a good bullshit reason, right? Updating is'nt procrastination at all; honest!)

Soooo my spaceship idea got shot down for being too primitave, which I agree, it was pretty simple... But it still would of looked great finished =x I'll probally do it as a side project when time premits. (buying spare time, paying with blood)

Moving along > Lets do a Mech-walker-miner-thingy. Thingy is a technical term by the way. It is used to define many articles, such as : Things, stuff, junk, whatever, and sometimes "Y".

Using my very minimal knowledge of illustrator, I've poorly outlined the walker. (Using a 4H pencil to draw is great until you have to scan it, and your scan looks like a white piece of paper)


Down to the pictures!

(As a side note, I have no bloody clue what the tubes are supposed to connect to on the real application of the engine,,, but i'll stick em somwhere natural lookin' on the mech... yup..)