Sunday, November 25, 2007

Alright then. Lets discuss why the reflections make the objects seem as if they are floating.

Well, there is a simple explanation for this: The objects are floating. Go figure.

Because I can.

The render is taking longer than expected for just a preview... But I want to get this square done so I can see.. you know.. things.. stuff..and even some ect.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Time to reflect.

Yeah, It was a corny title, but what can you do. You simply can not win them all.
Lets play with the lights a little longer.

The Eternal Struggle

Glass; 3d's nemisis!

Recently posted on XSI Base was a clever individual who found a inexpecive way to get very good looking glass out of his Blinn node. GJ to one user : Ewald

I fiddeled with his method for awhile, and while my results were not perfect, they did come out quite decent.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Quick Render > Lighting

no Caustics, FG, GI, AO, EIEIO yet .. Quick render

Picture one : Quick render
Picture two: Green = approved areas
Red = crap
Need to add another edge between each edge of the wine casks to make them rounder.
brighten the image.
lets go.


The guys at blogger are pretty cool.. They give me 1024 megs of free space to do whatever I wish with, as long as it doesn't hurt children or walruses. Good show.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

I'm not dead; honest I'm not.

The lack of updates is due to the type of things I am doing right now.

I mean, I could post pictures of ... a room with the default scene light in it... and things half un-wrapped... ect ect,, But nobody is intrested in that stuff..

Well.. I suppose I can't talk on behalf of everyone.. There may be somone who simply loves dim lit rooms and dull colors... .. .. That came out wrong; But I figure I got my point across.